Clothing and the Professional.
It all begins with treating yourself like a professional. If you treat yourself poorly, you will perform poorly. Many Service Professionals see their job as the bottom of the totem pole. As a result, management lives up to that expectation and lowers expectations and pay as a result. After all, in their minds, they are not paying professionals but just some help that doesn’t care how much they make. This is unacceptable as an outcome for the business and should be an unacceptable outcome for you as well. If you want to be taken seriously as a Service Professional you have to look like a professional first. Image Foundations. Although many of us cannot afford top of the line suits. ALL of us can afford decent slacks and dress shirts or shells and well-kept shoes. All Service Professionals should attend meetings with their manager and the executive team in a blazer and tie. This is the BARE MINIMUM for showing you take your career seriously. Few will want to hear your opinions