5 Strategies to Use Facebook Posts to Build Blogger Articles

Writing can be a long hard arduous process. Very lonely at times. It can be harder when you are having a block. But…..what if I told you that you can talk to friends and have them help you build your story or nonfiction article? Read on…
  1. Use an existing discussion stream
There are many discussions that trend on Facebook. Simply participate in the discussion. Choose topics that have at least 10–20 active participants.
2. Participate with a focus
Instead of quick quips, try using longer form paragraph instead to respond. Then simply copy and paste to your Medium draft as you go along.
3. Make sure you take the time to edit
OK you have great content and you have it in format for publishing. Remember that Facebook is a discussion. So you may have to change your voice within the piece to reflect what you want published.
4. Sometimes participants bring data to the discussion….use it
Now I always go back and review the data to verify that it’s from a good source. You want consistency as a writer. But if the data clicks find ways of using it in your piece!
5. Finally, don’t forget the graphic in the title!!
You are less likely to get noticed if you don’t have a graphic that draws attention. Remember folks love to post pictures on Facebook. Don’t be afraid to use them, but always remember to give credit. And make sure you use photos that don’t embarrass or traumatize your friends. And let them know they got published!
So just a few ways to ward off cases of writers block, while using a tool we all use to waste time. Facebook doesn’t have to be a waste of time.


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