5 ways Google is Eating Apple's Lunch

1. Google is hiring away Apple engineering talent

Google recently hired chip wizard John Bruno away from Apple. Could this be the first hint that Apple’s innovation is getting stale? Or it could be that their elegant design has become the golden handcuffs stifling innovation.

2. Google is all in on AI

CNBC may be disappointed in Google’s current crop of products, but they are on the cutting edge of integrating AI for daily use at a low price. A better chip set and not wedding themselves to a set platform in the short term could be the winning recipe to dominate the consumer market.

3. Google’s Mini appears poised to be the middle class answer to Amazon’s Alexa and Apples…….well phone

Google knows how to build on existing infrastructure to build innovative solutions. First they built Chrome, then onboarded the tool on Chromecast, Chromebooks, Pixel, and that lead to Mini which ties all the platform technologies to bring usable AI to middle class homes at a fraction of the price that Apple can. And Apple has yet to build a full platform. They are taking their time and in this case time is not their friend.

4. Google Street View is an example of the standard app Apple doesn’t have linking Phone to Car to PC outside of the entertainment realm

Street View can not only get to the local restaurant, but can give you a world class tour of the city from the comfort of your easy chair. It is scale able, it is cross platform, its cheap, and it is easily accessible regardless of comfort with technology and perfect for multiple AI applications. Apple has cool but to win the masses long term sometimes just plain useful tech is needed. Google has this advantage.

5. Google is just frankly faster

Google doesn’t care about elegance it just wants to deliver practical tools fast to everyone. And...you don’t need to spend upwards of a thousand dollars to gain access. Long term if Apple can’t get faster and cheaper on the product and app side their value will decrease.

Long term Apple has to get cheaper faster and more relevant or Google is going to eat their lunch. Elegance just doesn’t cut it anymore. The future is practicality and Google has that in droves.


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