5 ways to win your New Years Resolutions in 2018

It's that time of the year. We sit down and write out our New Years resolutions. For most of us these are fantasies that never going to happen...ever. I have never successfully completed a New Years resolution. The Huffington Post indicates that only 8 percent of Americans keep their resolution. But why does this happen and can we take action to change how the huge failure rate?
  1. Focus on the Outcome not the Resolution!!
So what is the actual outcome you are shooting for? For example you are trying to lose 25 pounds. OK that is a nice Goal but it's not an Outcome! An outcome is the why you are doing what you are doing. And for many of us we actually don't have an outcome, thus we have no reason to stick with our goals. So if in the end all you want to do is drop one dress size smaller. (which is reasonable and doable) Then your resolution is to wear pants one size smaller.
2. Why do you want to achieve this Outcome?
If the sole purpose is to just lose a dress size you will never achieve the outcome. There has to be a reason that is emotional and compelling and preferably date driven. So maybe the reason to lose the weight is be fit into your wedding dress by the ceremony date of May 15, 2018. There is a an emotional pull, your wedding. There is a defined end date which is May 15, 2018.
3. To know your goals you have to KNOW your goals!
To achieve losing one dress size a person on average needs to actually lose 10-15 pounds to drop one dress size according to Good Housekeeping which with minor diet modification is achievable within only 6 weeks! So if you weigh 230 and want to lose one dress size you are going to need to drop to 215. So now you know what you are up against.
4. You have to ask yourself at this point are you committed?
So the IDEA of losing weight may SEEM great. It would be awesome to go down a dress size and rock that new dress. But the reality now defined is this a worthwhile goal? Are you doing this to be noticed? Will losing 10-15 pounds do this or would a good tailor do just as good a job without the pain of losing weight. Will your future husband even care? After all he did ask YOU at your CURRENT WEIGHT to marry you.  After answering these questions, that question your intent, and you feel like this is something that needs to happen. Then you are ready to execute.
5. Create small changes that get you to your goal.
So you should at this point look for the smallest changes first to achieve your goal. Lets say you have a 6 can a day Mountain Dew habit. By just cutting this in half the drop in water weight alone from salt retention could have you at goal in only 6 weeks!! Our goal here to limit your pain while you work. But to backstop lets say you drop dessert at lunch, and walk 15 minutes a day.  That is it! You don't do anything else. Lets move forward in time. It's April, and you have only lost 8 pounds. Which is awesome! However you are a month out. This is a good time to ask if you are still committed to reaching the goal. If the answer is no then stop but give yourself credit what you have achieved! But  if you are committed then you may have to change you calories intake. Reducing Mountain Dew to 1 can a day and eating only vegetable and meat with meals and no additional sugar.
So this is a simple resolution but key thing to remember is to define your outcome, create reasonable actions you can do without pain. Then regularly check in to ensure this is really what your want. Adjust your goals to get there if needed as you move along and voila! Done. Rock your resolutions in 2018 by staying focused on your outcomes. 


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